Paradizo CD Catalogue

Paradizo CD Catalogue

Paradizo features the recordings of Skip Sempé as solo harpsichordist, chamber musician and director of the ensembles that he founded: Capriccio Stravagante, the Capriccio Stravagante Renaissance Orchestra and Capriccio Stravagante Les 24 Violons. Artists include Julien Martin, Josh Cheatham, Olivier Fortin, Sophie Gent, Doron Sherwin and Collegium Vocale Gent.

Paradizo: Exuberant music making. Essential listening.
International CD & Digital distribution: Outhere Music

Complete catalogue available on iTunes

Canto a mi Caballero – The Tradition of Antonio de Cabezón
Cabezón, Arcadelt, Rore, Gombert, Narváez, Mudarra, Ortiz, Morales
Capriccio Stravagante / Skip Sempé

CD/Paradizo PA0021

Renaissance English Recorders
Holborne, Dowland, Byrd, Ravenscroft, Ferrabosco, Henry VIII
Résonances Consort
Julien Martin, Marine Sablonnière, Evolène Kiener, Pierre Boragno, Benoît Toïgo, recorders
Skip Sempé, Olivier Fortin, Emmanuel Frankenberg, virginals & harpsichord

CD/Paradizo PA0020

Elizabethan Organ Music
Byrd, Bull, Gibbons, Tomkins, Philips, Farnaby, Munday
Gustav Leonhardt, organ (Arp & Frans Caspar Schnitger, Zwolle, Holland)

CD/Paradizo PA0019

Bach – Tradition & Transcription
Bach, Froberger, Fischer, Weiss, Cabanilles, Purcell, Kuhnau, Leonhardt
Skip Sempé, harpsichord

CD/Paradizo PA0018

François Couperin : Concert dans le Goût Théâtral
(Includes the complete Airs de cour)
Capriccio Stravagante Orchestra / Skip Sempé
Gauvin / Rondot / Desrochers / Lecornier

CD / Paradizo PA0017

The Virgin Harpsichord – Byrd, Bull, Gibbons, Tomkins, Dowland, Philips
Skip Sempé / Olivier Fortin / Pierre Hantaï

CD / Paradizo PA0016

William Byrd – Virginals & Consorts
Skip Sempé, harpsichord / Capriccio Stravagante

CD / Paradizo PA0015

Bach – 2 Harpsichords / 2 Clavecins / 2 Cembali
Skip Sempé, harpsichord / Olivier Fortin, harpsichord

CD / Paradizo PA0014

Rameau’s Funeral / Le Service Funèbre de Rameau / Paris 27.IX.1764
Jean Gilles – Messe des Morts
Capriccio Stravagante Les 24 Violons / Collegium Vocale Gent / Skip Sempé
Judith van Wanroij, Robert Getchell, Juan Sancho, Lisandro Abadie

CD / Paradizo PA0013

Memorandum XXI – Essays & Interviews on Music & Performance
Skip Sempé
6 Hours 30 minutes of music – 45 Composers – 100 Works of Renaissance & Baroque repertoire – Photo archive
Skip Sempé, Doron Sherwin, Julien Martin, Josh Cheatham, Olivier Fortin, Sophie Gent, Pierre Hantaï, Jasu Moisio, Julien Léonard, Pablo Valetti, Guillemette Laurens, Karina Gauvin, Judith van Wanroij, Collegium Vocale Gent, Capriccio Stravagante, Capriccio Stravagante Renaissance Orchestra, Capriccio Stravagante Les 24 Violons
Memorandum XXI is a limited edition. It will not be reprinted – only 200 copies are still available.
5 CDs + 400 page book (bilingual edition – English / Français)

CD / Paradizo PA0012

Terpsichore – Muse of the Dance
Dances by Michael Praetorius & William Brade
Doron Sherwin, cornetto / Julien Martin, recorder
Capriccio Stravagante Renaissance Orchestra / Skip Sempé

CD / Paradizo PA0011

La Belle Danse – Lully / Marais / Muffat / Brade / Praetorius / Rossi
Ballets Anciens & Modernes
Capriccio Stravagante Les 24 Violons / Skip Sempé

CD / Paradizo PA0010

Wanda Landowska / Le Temple de la Musique Ancienne – Saint-Leu-la-Forêt / Johann Sebastian Bach
Recordings & Documents

CD / Paradizo PA0009

Antico Moderno – Renaissance Madrigals Embellished 1517-2009
Doron Sherwin, cornetto / Julien Martin, recorder / Josh Cheatham, viola da gamba / Skip Sempé, harpsichord & virginal
Capriccio Stravagante

CD / Paradizo PA0008

A French Collection / Pièces de clavecin
Duphly, Balbastre, Royer, Marchand, A-L Couperin, Corrette
Skip Sempé, harpsichord

CD / Paradizo PA0007

Marais / Sainte Colombe – Pièces de viole
Josh Cheatham, viola da gamba / Julien Léonard , viola da gamba / Skip Sempé, harpsichord

CD / Paradizo PA0006

Rameau – La Pantomime / Pièces de clavecin
Skip Sempé, harpsichord / Olivier Fortin, harpsichord

CD / Paradizo PA0005

La Pellegrina / Intermedii 1589
The Florentine musical entertainments for the 1589 wedding of Ferdinando de’Medici & Christine of Lorraine
Marenzio, Malvezzi, Caccini, Peri. Archilei, Cavalieri, Bardi
Capriccio Stravagante Renaissance Orchestra / Collegium Vocale Gent / Skip Sempé
Dorothée Leclair, Monika Mauch, Pascal Bertin, Stephan van Dyck, Jean-François Novelli, Antoni Fajardo
CD + Interview CD with Skip Sempé

CD / Paradizo PA0004

Scarlatti – Duende / Harpsichord Sonatas
Skip Sempé, harpsichord / Olivier Fortin, harpsichord
CD + ‘Pandora’s Box’ (Paradizo CD catalogue)

CD / Paradizo PA9003

Telemann – Ouverture for Recorder / Fantazias / Concerto for Recorder & Viola da Gamba
Julien Martin, recorder / Josh Cheatham, viola da gamba
Capriccio Stravagante / Skip Sempé

CD / Paradizo PA0002

Paradizo – Consort Music & Airs for the Flute
Holborne, Dowland, van Eyck, Scheidt, Hume, Ferrabosco, Brade, Purcell, Morley
Julien Martin, recorder / Capriccio Stravagante / Skip Sempé

CD / Paradizo PA0001